Behind the Scenes: Social Media Analyst

Here at eLuxurySupply we love giving our customers a smooth and pleasant shopping experience. Whether they are just browsing our wares, buying a whole new bedroom, returning a sheet set that didn’t quite match their drapes, or leaving reviews on how wonderful their new Gel Memory Foam Mattress is, we want them to feel at home. That experience extends from our (newly redesigned) website to our various social media platforms. Enter the Social Media Analyst.
The Social Media Analyst(SMA) gets the opportunity to interact with the customers and fans of our company in a more colloquial manner than other positions here at eLuxurySupply. The day-to-day interactions with the public range from customer service to general public relations. The SMA gets to pass along all of the wonder comments and reviews left by our customers to the concerned parties, improving morale.
Leta Down Alternative Comforter, or the daily deals. This may seem easy enough, but it can be difficult to explain in words or a single picture just how comfortable our Shredded Latex Pillow really is.
While many of the SMA’s activities may seem like fun and games, the real work come in the form of reach analytics and exposure practices. Hearing from and interacting with customers is great, but as the saying goes, “The more, the merrier.” One of the SMA’s main focuses is to grab the attention of current and potential customers, then get them to tell their friends about our lovelyThe other less-obvious task of the Social Media Analyst is social advertising. Let’s be honest, posting a picture of a Viscose Rayon from Bamboo Top Mattress Pad can only go so far with basic shares and likes. Sometimes we have to go the old fashion route and put up a billboard. In this case the SMA puts up a digital billboard which pops up in the news feed of a potential customer. The SMA has to put that A to work and analyze the the data they are given by each social platform in order to accurately and effectively place those billboards.
All of this (hopefully) results in a butter-on-toast experience for all of our customers. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or, better yet, contact the Social Media Analyst directly on any of our social platforms!