What is the Best Sleeping Position For You?

How do you sleep? Do you sleep on your side? On your Back? Did you know that your sleep position can affect more than just your in-the-moment comfort? Your sleeping positions may be comfortable for you, but it could be causing problems for you further down the line. The most common sleeping positions for Americans, according to a nationwide survey by the Better Sleep Council, are the fetal position (side sleeping), the freefall position (stomach sleeping), and the soldier position (back sleeping). What are the benefits and downfalls of each of these positions? Below, we will explore what the best sleeping position is for you.
Side sleeping Position
There is no denying that side sleeping is a very cozy way to sleep. You can cuddle deep into your sheets and your comforter and just pass out. But let’s take a deeper look at the health implications and see if this is the best sleeping position for you.

If you are young and don’t yet suffer from any sort of back or shoulder pain, side sleeping can be beneficial simply for the comfort. Many younger people will find this the best option because they can use it to fall asleep faster than any other position. Side sleeping is also a must for women during pregnancy. It is healthy and encouraged for pregnant women to sleep on their sides to reduce strain on the baby.
If you are suffering from any sort of back pain, shoulder pain, or neck pain, side sleeping can cause these issues to worsen. Without proper posture and positioning, side sleeping can even cause lower back pain in people who didn’t previously have it. Along with pain, the pressure of your face against your pillow can cause early wrinkling in your skin.
Stomach Sleeping Position
Many find that burying their face as deep as possible in their pillow is the most comfortable way to sleep through the night. But is it really a healthy option?
The stomach sleeping position is great at mitigating your awful snoring habit. Some surveys have concluded that some people have reported that it helps with cases of sleep apnea. And... that’s about all for this list.

Stomach sleeping is reportedly the worst possible choice for a sleeping position due to the general lack of comfort and serious health risks. Stomach sleeping, according to the Mayo Clinic, causes strain on your back and neck that can result in spinal injuries if left untreated. These symptoms can be reduced by not using a pillow for your head or placing a pillow under your pelvis as your sleep. There are special pillows specifically made for stomach sleepers, which can definitely help as well!
Back Sleeping Position

Back sleeping is considered the best sleeping option by a large number of the population, but is it the best choice for your health?
Back sleeping is widely regarded as the best sleeping position for its health benefits. Back sleeping eases strain on the spine, making it the best sleep position for back pain.
Back sleepers find that this position can even relieve most of the back pain caused by other sources throughout the day. This position preserves your proper back posture through the night, making it a great choice for those who are concerned with their alignment. As a side note, sleeping with your face away from your pillow can reduce facial stress, which in turn reduces early wrinkles.
Snoring. It can’t be overstated that this position is the worst offender in the snoring category. A back sleeping body is perfectly set up for a blocked airway and higher rates of snoring. Back sleeping has also been linked to sleep apnea in some cases.
The best sleep position for you really comes down to what you want out of it. If you can look past the health risks of a certain type for the comfort it provides, go for it! If you don’t care about comfort and just want to live a healthy life, more power to you! Use this article as a guide to find what works for you.
What type of sleeper are you? Let us know in the comments below!